
We must also work beyond the classroom to make our vision a reality. It’s crucial to advocate in the public and political spheres in order for meaningful changes to be made.

Dance4Life has identified a diversity of advocacy focuses that are pertinent to the advancement of youth wellbeing and empowerment.

Advocacy initiatives range from the local, regional, and international levels. This includes annual campaigns, such as the UN 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence [November 25th - December 10th], and World AIDS Day [December 1st]. We consistently support and amplify the initiatives of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition, which focuses on improving nutrition and healthy lifestyles in the region, where non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major health issue. We also partner with other local organizations such as Equals Barbados and SHE to bolster the visibility and progression of LGBTQ+ rights in Barbados. We keep involved with broader regional networks, such as UNICEFLAC, to ensure that Barbados is represented in the latest developmental projects.

We run our own ongoing campaign called Youth4Access which aims to make it possible for youth under 18 years of age to freely access sexual and reproductive health resources, such as STI testing and contraception, without required parental consent. Currently, this requirement is a major deterrent that contributes to unsafe sexual practices and the spread of STIs.

“You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.”

— Shirley Chisholm